On the 23rd Weston turned 25. My goal every holiday/celebration is to surprise him. However, every time he foils my plots. Either he is really good or I stink at stealth. (Ex. For Valentines day I found some amazing tickets online to a Mika concert in Salt Lake. I ordered them and have them sent to our house thinking this would be fine. Please note that Wes NEVER gets the mail, so I thought I was safe. Turns out that the one day he thinks "Hey, I'll go get the mail today" the tickets come and he thinks the envelope looks interesting and sees the tickets. Surprise terminated.) This year I got him some key pieces from IKEA that he has been coveting (also please note I married the perfect man because he happens to love interior decorating and all things IKEA). One of them was quite large so I was pretty proud of myself for going all the way up to Draper and bringing it back and into the house without him seeing. I put it under the couch because that was really and truly the only place that it would fit. And honestly, why would he look under the couch within the next week? Turns out, Halle loves to spit out her binky and turns out it just happened to roll under the couch and turns out he saw his stinking present and turns out once again I fail at life and all things birthday.
Despite being foiled again I think he had a great birthday. He had already received his trip to Seattle in August so presents were minimal. I made him breakfast. The eggs were nasty (never could master the art of scrambling). We went to church. I made him his faves: roast, mashed potatoes, parker house rolls, and to top it all off a strawberry cheesecake. He took his IKEA treasures and put them up in our apartment. We played with Halle and relaxed. I don't know how he felt about it, but I sure had fun. Happy Birthday my love! So happy we get to be together for many eternal moons!
Also, my little Halle girl reached a glorious milestone in her young life. At 4 months she ROLLED over on the day before her daddy's birthday!! We weren't able to catch the first roll with our video camera because we went to Sandy to celebrate the birthday with the fam and we left it. However, I did catch several key photographs of the little squirt in motion. Her new skill now requires me to have eagle eyes on her at all times, but I was so stinkin' proud!