Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the goals

new year, new goals.
here we go.
  • Read the ensign every month. No more letting it sit on our book shelf unopened. A prophet speaks to us every month people, it may just be a little bit important.
  • Potty train Halle.
  • Have a true family home evening every Monday night. This means a song, prayer, and short lesson for Halle.
  • Make a warm breakfast for Wes once a week before he heads to work.*
  • Get back in shape after baby joins the family. Healthy eating, drinking lots of water, and back to running are on the list.
  • Read scriptures every night.
  • Write in my journal once a week.
  • Take more pictures and video of the kiddies. I seriously need to videotape Halle singing the songs that she makes up. She loves to sing about princess pirates and broken hearts. Too many princess love stories? Maybe so.*
  • Be more grateful for things people do for me and our family. Saying thank you more, more grateful prayers, or writing more thank you notes are all part of this goal.*
*These goals were added to the list today and so I am not accountable for them for the month of January.

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