Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Little Lovie

Leave it to our wonderful cousin Mandi Gubler to not only give birth to her second child, a beautiful sweet girl, but also to give birth to the cutest new baby business. Mandi has created Little Lovie Baby Boutique and really I am obsessed with her stuff. Mandi makes everything from car seat covers, sleepers, and blankies, to the cute little "lovie bum" you see Halle in above. It is the cutest thing to see Halle waddling around and it is so perfect for the summer when babies need to stay cool (especially at Wymount where there is no air conditioning!). Mandi works with all kinds of fabric and themes and is amazing. Definitely taking baby fashion to new stylish level. Check out her boutique blog for all the styles, products, and info!

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