Saturday, February 12, 2011

potty training, round one

We had the undies. We had the mini princess potty that plays a song when you do your business. We had the special potty treats. And we had little miss Halle who seemed like she was ready to do this. The first two days of hard core training were going pretty great. She went in the potty a couple of times, heard the pretty song, got the potty treat (reese's are her current favorite), and seemed like she was recognizing when she had to go. And then something snapped. She started holding it and holding it and holding it and really holding it. I didn't think it was possible to hold it that much, but she did. She refused to go potty at all. Eventually, when I realized what she was doing, I told her it was okay for her to go in her diaper, but she still kept trying to hold it. It got to the point where she was always doing the potty dance around me telling me her bummy hurt, whining, not playing, and clinging to me. She wouldn't even let me be in another room to make her dinner. I had to be right by her side always. She would go potty about once a day. For three days she did this. She was pretty backed up and very miserable and didn't want to even look at the potty. I didn't either. I was so tired of hearing her tell me how sick she was and how much her bum hurt. So we're taking a break. I'm hoping she'll resume her normal "business" routines and then we'll try again.
Mommy and the toilet: 0 Halle and the diapers: 1


Christy said...

oh dang. you are making all the bad memories come back. ha ha. what's incredible to me about kids is you really can't EVER predict how they're going to handle/not handle something. especially potty training. they are definitely their own individuals and do things their own way. it sounds like you guys had a great start, and i think you are smart to take a step back. it is so not worth a power struggle (i know this from experience-- doing it the WRONG way). we parents get stressed out about it, but it's good to stay calm and keep it all in perspective. i'm sure she'll get it before too long. good luck! you are such a good mom!

Sharla said...

I think you are doing awesome and I think its perfectly okay to take a little break. Maybe she will surprise you like Mason did for me. I tried... had about the same experience as you except that he would just pee his pants instead of holding it a lot of the time. Tried one month later, he caught on the first day and hasn't had an accident yet. The pooping thing is always hard though, cuz I could tell that Mason was in pain for most of the day and he would wait until the evening when I did put him in his diaper to go to sleep to poop. Lovely. Good luck! But I do think that each kid needs to take it at their own pace and they will catch on, eventually.