Thursday, April 5, 2012

happy birthday to lily

my how much can happen in just one year.
i watched you on the day you were born struggle to breathe and eat.
look at you now.
you are so full of life and emotion.
you know what you want and you are determined to get it.
you love: to eat (especially anything on your big sisters plate), to follow your sister around, dance to music, your dad, to make people laugh, to chase a ball around the house, your sister, and playing downstairs.
you are: sweet, smart, stubborn, and the best kisser.
you say: "hello?" everytime you pick up a phone, "all done" when you hate something, and call for "halle" in the mornings.
you can: walk on your knees, but not your feet, be a handful and delightful all in one day, and do all the actions to "wheels on the bus" it is your favorite song along with "five little monkeys."
you eat: cottage cheese (for every meal if I would let you), treats, especially love yogurt, and spit out any green vegetable.
we love it when: you fold your arms for prayers, you do the "no no no" dance, you laugh only because other people are laughing, and when you snuggle up.
you should know: that this past year has been wonderful and hard. your dad got very sick and nothing made your mom feel better about life then playing with you, watching you smile, and seeing you learn and grow. you and your sister were the greatest blessings through our biggest trial.
you should really know: this love we have for you runs deep little lily pie.

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