Friday, December 4, 2009

i'll spare you

I know you are all tired of hearing me go on and on about sunshine and how I am addicted to it and how I could eat it if it could sustain life like that, so, I am just going to let you see the pictures from our thanksgiving holiday in st. george. I will spare you all the sunshine commentary and sunshine love poems. But I will say this: it was fabulous.
Psyched about you know what.
Thanksgiving day was wonderful. I miss being close to my family. The only thing missing was Ryan (not for long!). Mom seriously outdid herself. I forget how amazing her mashed potatoes are and really all of her food. Simple meals she makes that I try to recreate never taste as good as hers. I guess I leave out the love. We also spent part of the day with the Ashman side of the family. Imagine having Thanksgiving dinner with a bunch of hilarious, crazy kiddos in the gym of an elementary school. Oh, and a fart machine. Yes, it was out of control. Aren't those some of the most fun family memories? We managed to send a few ceiling tiles askew and knock down a very large poster of Taylor Swift with a milk mustache.
We spent the rest of the week sleeping in, relaxing, and playing with this little master chief.
He is the only kid this little girl will share with.


Christy said...

i am jealous of the sunshine. that picture of you and wes (i still just want to call him bell) is straight up awesome. :) i can't believe how old halle is looking these days!

Erin said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun!! And your posts about sunshine are always good mood setters! Bring on the sunshine poems! lol.