Sunday, February 14, 2010

the ghost of valentine's past

One of my most memorable Valentine's Day happened when I was in 5th grade. We had recently moved to St. George and I had only been at my new school for a few months. So, it goes without saying that I was probably in need of a little acceptance and confidence. The night before Valentine's Day I remember kneeling down by my bed and praying that someone (in my mind I was thinking it had to be a boy) would give me something to make my Valentine's day special. I then promised that if something like that happened I would never eat ice cream again. This promise was a little weird because 1)who said that ice cream is bad and should not be consumed and 2)I hardly ever ate ice cream so it wasn't that big of a sacrifice for me.
Anyway, the next day at school we set our Valentine boxes on our desks and went to lunch. When I came back I found a small heart shaped box of chocolates sitting in my box. I was tickled. Of course, 5th graders can't keep their mouths shut and I soon found out the box of chocolates was from the quiet, red headed, freckle faced boy (who eventually became one of my good friends). Who knew the kid had it in him? Being the typical 5th grader I had to act like it was gross and the chocolate box symbolized cooties of all kinds, but really I was flattered and so pleased.
That day Quin Shepherd answered one little girl's prayer at the cost of much humiliation and teasing I am sure.
I am sure he had no idea what that box of chocolates meant to me.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Go be a Quin Shepherd today.
Spread some love.
I regret to inform you that I did not keep my promise about the ice cream.


Pam Graf said...

That was beautiful, Megan!!! Thanks for sharing that!!!!

Megan said...

That is so sweet... definitely a good example to me!

Lizzie said...

I love this story!

rYLeE & KaTiE said...

This story was SO cute!!! I can just imagine little elementary Megan... I want to come visit you this week if Halle is feeling a little better. I can bring you lunch and we can just chat. I'll call you or text you soon!