You're getting too big.
I really want to freeze time and enjoy you at this age a little longer.
You are always going to be my baby that likes to read books in bed.
The baby who loves monsters, the dark, and all things scary.
The baby who sleeps with me in my bed almost every night.
The baby who has memorized so many songs.
The baby who can't stop talking about people being "so sad."
The baby who likes a binky in her mouth and one to play with in her hand.
The baby who won't drink juice or eat fruit, but loves veggies.
The baby who draws on every scrap of paper she can find.
The baby who wants to color all day long.
The baby who knew all her colors and most shapes before the age of 2.
The baby who loves, Little Mermaid, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, and Beauty and the Beast.
The baby who loves mini M&M's, crackers, mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, and popcorn.
The baby who is a non-stop chatterbox, speaks in sentences, and loves to tell me about everything she sees.
The baby who loves to tell dad what she did that day.
The baby who loves to sing songs.
The baby who loves dinos, riding the merry-go-round, and going to see animals.
The baby who needs a dash of chocolate in her milk before she'll even consider drinking it.
The baby who loves to run.
The baby who thinks the sound of our water heater is a dinosaur.
The baby with an imagination.
The baby who stole my heart.
Please stop growing.
yes, they grow way too fast! i love that she loves monsters. :)
This is so sweet!
This made me cry. She is so precious. You captured just a smidgeon of the adorable, amazing, and awesome things that are Halle.
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