Sunday, July 25, 2010

a birthday fairy tale

Once upon a time a little princess was born and she was called Halle. The whole kingdom rejoiced. Her mother and father watched her over the next two years and felt she would be ready on her second birthday to party like a true princess should. On the morning of her second birthday she awoke in her mother's bed. You see, this little princess sleeps in her mother's bed every night so it was only fitting that her birthday festivities should begin there. After playing with her royal binkies, the princess was granted permission to open a single gift.
She delicately ripped the tissue paper out of a bag and found an enchanted disc that would play a movie about fairies the little princess had been longing to watch.
She went about her day as usual, but late in the morning as she was frolicking outside an evil allergen witch wanted to ruin the princess's special day. Then and there the witch cursed one of her eyes with a terrible allergen beast. Her mother and father were unaware that such an awful curse had been placed on their daughter. As they began to do some royal skyping with the fairy grandmother from the land of St. George, the mother noticed the princess rubbing her eye and then watched in a matter of minutes as her eye began to swell shut. What a horrible thing to happen on a princess's birthday! The princess's mother and father tried every remedy they could think of including a royal water flushing, but it was no use. The curse was too great. The mother searched far and wide for an antidote and finally found it in the land of target. It was called benadryl and her eye was soon almost normal. The mother and father were so worried they did not think to document the curse at the height of swelling, but a bit of the effects can be seen in the photographs taken at the princess's birthday feast. She requested only the finest pizza from sir papa murphy and heartily ate her fill.
That evening she was dressed in a new ball gown and waited for the arrival of her royal guests.
When the Chancellor Gary Bell family arrived Princess Halle was led into the dungeons of her castle for her party. Down in the dark she soon realized that she would have to pass through the scary woods before she could be crowned and take her place as the Princess. Her mother and father wanted to test her courage and disguised the dungeon as a forest. Using black lights and neon poster board they created trees, stars, scary creatures, witches, and a new breed of fish that fly the princess would have to pass through in order to receive her crown. With the help of her guests she made it through the scary woods and entered the throne room where her mother was waiting to crown her with a crown of pink, necklaces of jewels and a beautiful ring pop for licking.
Halle found all her princess friends waiting there for her and the finest princess music for dancing, including her favorite selections from The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Sleeping Beauty.
Eager to prove her worthiness she trekked through the scary woods many times after that.
Soon it was time to celebrate with cake and the princess was anxious to eat some. After a birthday serenade, the candles were blown and the guests were served cake on the finest princess china.
Next the princess opened her gifts from her generous admirers both near and far. She was given much and loved much including a barbie, a buzz lightyear gun, and a dollhouse.
Her mother and father presented her final gift. A royal carriage a princess could be proud of that also happened to be just the right size for Halle.
The princess spent the rest of her birthday evening getting in the carriage and then getting out and then getting in and out again.
After many strolls around the castle grounds the princess threw two balloons in the air and made a wish to symbolize the approach of another year.
Silently, her mother also made a wish that potty training would be easy and that the young princess would one day sleep in her own bed.
Her guests soon left and she was sent to bed full and happy and free from the curses of the evil allergen witch.
And so concludes the story of Princess Halle's magical, fairy tale birthday.
Long live Princess Halle.


Emily said...

What a great idea for a birthday! I love all the decorations and preparation you did! You are such a good mom!

Christy said...

he he- what a cute post and birthday party. you guys are such fun parents!

Dip It In Chocolate said...

so cute! Happy birthday Halle!

Whitney said...

What a fun mom you are!! Loved the post. Happy birthday to the little princess!

Megan said...

Long live Princess Halle. :) I love it! Sounds like she was definitely given a birthday fitting for a princess such as herself. Such a cute idea for a party and a fun post to read!

Michele Ashman Bell said...

This brought me so much joy! Being there and reading Princess Halle's fairytale. It is only the beginning!