I recently read that in Holland the people take special care of their homes and cottages making them look beautiful and making them feel like peaceful sanctuaries. Many people actually name their cottages and place those names above their doors. They often choose names like Sunbeam, Sunny Corner, Peace Haven, Tranquility, etc. I was talking with Wes about what name we would give our home and we jokingly came up with The Diaper Shack.
I am sad to say that lately we have been living up to that name. This past month we have been bombarded with illnesses of all kinds. My housekeeping has taken a hit and some disaster usually strikes just after I clean, so it usually only stays clean for a day or two. I can't grab a shower most days till after 5, which means I am in my pajamas most of the day. I'm also lucky if I get Halle dressed at all. I find myself barely getting my prayers said before I collapse on my bed in exhaustion wondering what I actually did that day. I have to shove medicine down Halle's throat twice a day. I broke our blender. We found one of the windows in our basement is cracked. It looks like the culprit is a bb gun. My calling is taking me out of my home more than I thought it would. It kills me that I don't have the opportunity to put Halle to bed on Wednesday nights. I barely paid our bills on time this month because I forgot about them due to the fact they were hidden under all my stuff on my desk. Wes is in the middle of an intense semester. Our library items were overdue. I have a mountain of laundry that needs to be tackled and Halle has no clean pajamas. Halle asked me if she could go "nigh nigh" today and if you know her then you know that means something is way out of whack.
We are not drowning, but it feels like we are on our way down.
Our home definitely feels like a chaotic diaper shack.
I am in need of some major organization tips.
Ideas? What works for you? Please.
Is there anything I can help with?! I feel so bad for you!
ah, i've so been there! i don't have many tips as i have to figure it out on a day to day basis, but one thing i do that helps me a ton is shower at night. i've learned that with two kids there is no WAY i can shower in the morning. so i shower at night and then just need a few minutes to get ready in the morning. i feel so much more on top of my life if i am ready to go early and can then start accomplishing my to dos.
I am so sorry things are crazy right now! It is no fun being sick, especially when the sickness just keeps coming! Hang on! Spring is coming (I hope)!
I don't know if I have any good organization tips, since my house is currently, and usually, a mess.
But here are a few.
1. I love the shower at night idea from your above friend. I do this too sometimes since I leave so early for work and it makes a world of difference some mornings. Especially since then your hair can air-dry at night and then all you have to do is straighten it in the morning.
2. My little mail sorter that I made (from a few blog posts awhile back) saves my life now when it comes to bills. I almost always almost forget my bills but this has been a big help. I would love to make you one if you want! :)
3. Just do a few things each night. I love setting the time for 10 minutes and seeing how much I can just get done in 10 minutes. I know it doesn't sound like much time but at least it's enough to put the dishes in the dishwasher or pick up clutter. I love doing that and 10 minutes makes me feel like it's not taking any time but I still get a few things done. A little helps!
I hope everything gets better very soon! Good luck! Oh, and I will send you that cake recipe soon!
Hey Megan! This is Elizabeth Leavitt, I found your blog on Sharla's and thought I'd take a peak..And this is SO what I'm going through right now! (minus the sickness, sorry about that!)
I was also going to suggest showering at night. I've only remembered to do it a couple of times since I thought of doing it myself about a week ago, but those two days it was so nice to be able to get up and get dressed after breakfast instead of during William's naptime around 1 or 2pm.
My house is pretty much always a mess, but I do have one little system that helps out a lot. I made myself a job list. I wrote down all the things I feel like I need to do on a weekly basis (clean tubs, toilets, vacuum, laundry, etc) and assigned one or two jobs to each day Mon-Sat. Then I printed it up, laminated it, and put it on my fridge, so I can check off the job after I do it. I need the reminder and the satisfaction of crossing it off to keep me motivated!
Hope this helps!
I just posted a picture of my actual cleaning schedule on my idea blog, if you want to check it out:
Unfortunately, I have no ideas for you. I literally could have written that paragraph myself. (the library books to the calling to the child asking for a nap... even the 'never getting a shower until 5pm'. I think we are living parallel lives).
But thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. :)
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